Dr. Glenn L. Roberts
7 Lockyer Road
Guelph, Ontario N1G1J9 

Ph: 519-824-2362
Fx: 519-824-1403
Plant Propagation Workshop
$120 per person
1 Weekend (Saturday & Sunday 10am - 4pm)

Participants of this hands-on workshop will go home with a greater understanding of plant propagation techniques such as seed and fern spore germination, cuttings, division, scaling, grafting and even tissue culture. As a bonus you will leave with several freshly propagated plants. Techniques discussed can be done at home. This workshop is open to all knowledge/experience levels.


Upon completion of this two-day program, participants will be able to:

       Propagate most common plants
       Know the tools required for successful propagation
       Understand how and why propagation works
       Know the basic plant structures used for propagation
       Know how to find more in depth information and understand it.



Morning session
We begin our program with a discussion of sexual propagation, namely seeds. We will look at various types of seeds, how they produced, the structures involved and various ways to germinate them.

Afternoon Session
The afternoon session moves on to asexual propagation methods including stem cuttings, leaf cuttings and root cuttings. We will also look at the structures and physiology involved so that you gain an understanding in how and why it works


Morning Session
The morning begins with a discussion of grafting and the various techniques used in this type of specialized propagation. You will then be given the opportunity to try a few of the grafting techniques.

Afternoon Session
Finally, we will spend part of the afternoon looking at the cutting edge of plant propagation; tissue culture.
Click below to see other Workshop Offerings

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Herbarium Workshop